工作地点:广州 学历要求:博士 工作年限:不限 月薪:面议
香港科技大学(HKUST,简称港科大)新成立了脑与智能研究所,现诚向全球招聘多名从助理教授至教授的终身制教职人员(tenure-track/tenured faculty)。欢迎从事与神经科学相关的各领域人才加入我们。我们尤其欢迎从事突触的形成、功能和神经元回路,脑疾病机制、生物标志物和药物发现,大脑信息处理及与计算机和人工智能相结合等方面研究的人才。我们亦鼓励优秀人才在学校内部以跨部门交叉学科的形式聘任。 脑与智能研究所是同属港科大和港科大(广州)的研究机构。其设立目的是整合港科大在神经科学研究方面的优势和港科大(广州)的建设契机,建成以大湾区为基地、世界首屈一指的神经科学研究中心。 港科大是一所年轻的、世界级研究型学府。短短三十年间,港科大已发展成为亚洲首屈一指的高等院校。神经科学是学校的重点研究领域之一,并拥有分子神经科学国家重点实验室,在分子神经科学、神经系统疾病的机理研究等方面卓有成就(重点实验室成员名单见:https://skl-molneurosci.hkust.edu.hk/our-scientists)。港科大和港科大(广州)隶属同一个大学系统,两校一体,秉承同样的学术标准和体制。港科大(广州)将在保持高水平研究的同时,进一步促进跨学科和协同研究的发展。本次聘用的教职人员将在港科大(广州)就职。 更多关于港科大(广州)的信息,请访问:http://hkust-gz.edu.cn/。 应聘条件: 1. 获得相关博士学位和博士后工作经验,特别突出的应届博士毕业生亦可考虑; 2. 具有国际一流的学术水平及独立开展国际前沿研究的能力; 3. 能够承担本科生和研究生教学任务。 待遇保障: 1. 充裕的科研启动经费、办公和实验空间、一流的科研设备及全方位的支撑条件; 2. 极具国际竞争力的、与申请者资质和经验相匹配的薪资和福利待遇; 3. 符合条件的申请者,学校将积极推荐申请国家优青和省市人才计划。 申请流程: 申请者需将申请信、个人简历、研究与教学陈述、三位推荐人姓名及联系方式等材料,以邮件形式发送至neurosci@ust.hk;或进入线上招聘系统(https://facrecruit.hkust.edu.hk/),选择“Brain and Intelligence”作为优先领域进行申请。如有疑问,可通过邮件详询(neurosci@ust.hk)。 香港科技大学(广州)欢迎您!
The newly established Brain and Intelligence Research Institute at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in China seeks applicants for multiple tenure-track/tenured faculty positions at the rank from assistant professor to full professor. Candidates pursuing research in all areas of neuroscience are welcome to apply. These with expertise in the studies of synapse formation, function, and neuronal circuits; brain disorders mechanisms, biomarkers, and drug discoveries; information processing in the brain and in connection with computer and artificial intelligence are especially welcome. Joint appointments with other departments/thrusts of HKUST are encouraged. HKUST is a young university with focus on research excellence. It has risen to a top ranked university in Asia in a short thirty years. Neuroscience is one of the key areas of the university with a State Key Laboratory in Molecular Neuroscience (For a list of current neuroscience faculty members, please visit: https://skl-molneurosci.hkust.edu.hk/our-scientists). Recently The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ)) was established with the aim to promote cross-disciplinary and synergistic research with the same level of research excellence with HKUST. Newly recruited faculty members will be based in HKUST(GZ). For relevant information about HKUST(GZ), please go to http://hkust-gz.edu.cn/ Qualifications of Candidates: Applicants should have a doctoral degree and relevant postdoctoral experience. Fresh PhD with exceptional record will also be considered. They will be expected to establish an independent, internationally recognized research program and contribute to the undergraduate and graduate education. Remuneration and Conditions of Service Generous start-up funding, ample laboratory space and excellent research equipment and support will be provided. Salary is highly competitive of international standard and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure Questions and application materials including a cover letter, CV, statement of research & teaching and contacts of three referees should be submitted to neurosci@ust.hk, or via the online Recruitment System (https://facrecruit.hkust.edu.hk/) and choose “Brain and Intelligence” as the priority area.