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School of Life Sciences, Westlake University
企业规模:1000-9999人 企业所在地区:中国大陆 - 浙江
截止日期:2023-12-31 最低工作年限:不限
招聘人数:若干 最低学历:博士
月薪:面议 工作地点:杭州
Founded in 2018, Westlake University is a new type of non-profit research-oriented university in Hangzhou, China, supported by public and private funding. Preceded by the Westlake Institute for Advanced Study, Westlake University is creating a stimulating, world-class environment for research and education in science, engineering and technology, and life sciences.

The School of Life Sciences (SLS) at Westlake University is striving to pursue questions fundamental to our understanding of biology and disease, to develop enabling technologies that benefit humanity and advance human health, and to attract the best and the brightest scientific minds and train the next-generation scientific leaders. To enable cutting-edge biomedical research and technology development, SLS has established state-of-the-art animal facilities and core technology platforms, including cryo-electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, flow cytometry, light microscopy, genomics, metabolism, bioinformatics, and high-throughput screening. Moreover, SLS has established outstanding graduate and postdoctoral programs and a strong administrative support team. SLS offers generous start-up packages, and internationally competitive salaries/benefits for faculty members. These resources will enable each principal investigator (PI) to freely pursue research with long-term major impact.

SLS is now recruiting faculty at all academic ranks (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, and Chair Professor). Applications from both Chinese and non-Chinese nationals will be evaluated on experience and qualifications and on an equal opportunity basis. Successful candidates must hold Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degrees and have demonstrated the potential to establish a vibrant independent research program.

The research disciplines include, but are not limited to, structural biology and biophysics, cell biology, biomedical engineering, stem cell research and therapy, neural and behavioral biology, bioinformatics and computational biology, immunology and immunotherapy, epidemiology, metabolism, aging and degenerative diseases, cancer research, microbiology, and other relevant fields.

Each faculty member will receive an internationally competitive salary and fringe benefits that include a generous housing allowance, a high-end family medical care plan, and a retirement plan. The benefit package is comparable to those of elite private universities in the U.S.

Each faculty member is provided with an internationally competitive start-up package that includes long-term and sufficient research funds, ample laboratory space, excellent equipment and research support. This generous research support is designed to encourage ambitious research projects that aim to push the envelope of human knowledge.

Westlake University has its unique advantages that are rarely found elsewhere. First, because of its small size, faculty members from different schools and disciplines bump into each other at the coffee shop, cafeteria, faculty club, and seminar rooms.  These routine daily interactions have led to truly spontaneous interdisciplinary research collaborations. Second, all faculty members who join in the first several years since the founding of the university will have not only witnessed but also contributed to the breathtaking rise of a new university, the first new-type research university in the history of China. They will have stories of their own to recount. These fond memories constitute a once-in-a-lifetime experience for any scientist with a dream at heart. Third, the opinion of each faculty member truly counts within the university. The sense of “my university” is considerably stronger here at Westlake than elsewhere. In addition, the university and school administration serves, rather than directs, research and teaching here at Westlake. This scholar-friendly environment is part of the Westlake culture.

Please send the following application documents in PDF format to talents@westlake.edu.cn.

-Cover Letter
-Curriculum Vitae 
-Research Statement (3 pages)
-Three letters of reference (to be sent by referees directly to the above email address) 

Office of Human Resources, Westlake University
Yungu Campus Address: 600 Dunyu Road, Sandun Town, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 310030, CHINA

Yunqi Campus Address: 18 Shilongshan Road, Cloud Town, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 310024, CHINA

For more information, please visit: https://en.westlake.edu.cn/

Review of applications will start upon receipt and will continue until the positions are filled. Finalists selected by the faculty search committee will be invited for formal interviews.

This advertisement is valid, and positions remain open until filled.
* 请您在应聘材料上标明,此职位的信息来源于rencai8.com。
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