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Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)	 Washington DC                                                                                     
Principal Risk Analyst – Division of Enterprise Regulation  			 		    	2013 – Current

•	Led and developed the quarterly Enterprises Credit Risk reports. The report performed risk and financial analysis on the Enterprises (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) single family and multifamily businesses, and monitored risks by using comparative comparisons of the Enterprises’ financial performances with three large mortgage banks. 

•	Created the Uniform Enterprise Performance Reports using FHFA and FFIEC Call Report Schedule data. The reports analyzed the financial and accounting key ratios and risk metrics on asset, earnings, income, loan performances, allowance, charge-off, and asset classification of the Enterprises and large mortgage banks (comparative peers and benchmarks). 

•	Implemented a quantitative off-site tool to calculate the risk scores/ratings for asset, earnings, income, and loan performances us...
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