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企业规模:10000人以上 企业所在地区:中国大陆 - 湖北
截止日期:2017-6-30 最低工作年限:不限
招聘人数:若干 最低学历:博士
月薪:面议 工作地点:武汉
武汉大学第四届国际交叉学科论坛 诚邀海内外青年才俊
集中论坛:2017年4月14-16日 论坛季:2016年12月1日-2017年6月30日 地点:中国·武汉 举办方: 武汉大学 1. 论坛介绍 武汉大学国际交叉学科论坛,旨在为海内外青年学者搭建一个思想碰撞和学术交流的平台,推进学科交叉与学术创新,共谋世界一流大学和世界一流学科建设大局。 武汉大学精心规划了“十三五”发展布局,大力推行综合改革,实施教师终身轨道制度,全面激发办学活力,着力推进世界一流大学建设。学校拥有“地球空间信息科学协同创新中心”、“国家领土主权与海洋权益协同创新中心”、“司法文明协同创新中心”等三大国家协同创新中心,还组建了高等研究院、医学研究院、工业研究院等多个交叉学科研究机构,努力为海内外青年学者搭建高起点的学术科研平台。 竭诚欢迎海内外青年才俊集聚珞珈山,与中国最美的大学同发展、共进步! 2. 申请条件 ①年龄在40岁以下。 ②具有海外知名大学博士学位,或具有国内博士学位、并在海外工作3年以上,在相关领域取得一定成绩或具有发展潜力的海内外优秀青年人才;或取得博士学位、在国内工作3年以上,在相关领域具有一定学术影响力的优秀青年才俊。 ③涉及学科领域:数学、物理、化学、材料科学、工程科学、信息科学、生命科学、医学、环境与地球科学、人文科学、社会科学等。 3. 主办形式及日程安排 为广泛吸引海外青年学者来校交流,满足不同学者的时间要求,本次论坛活动采取集中与分散两种形式,分为集中论坛和论坛季。 ①集中论坛 报到时间:2017年4月14日 论坛报告交流时间:2017年4月15日-16日 ②论坛季 时间区段为:2016年12月1日-2017年6月30日。凡是不能参加集中论坛活动的学者,我们依然竭诚欢迎您与我们联系,我们会与相关院系及科研机构单位沟通,协商确定您在论坛季中合适时段来我校考察交流。各位学者在网络报名时,请选择参加“集中论坛”或“论坛季”。 4. 申请方式 请登录:http://postdoc.whu.edu.cn/zp/index.shtml提交参会申请。 2017年4月14-16日集中论坛的受邀者,将于2017年3月16日前收到主办方的参会邀请邮件。 2016年12月1日-2017年6月30日论坛季的受邀者,主办方将根据协商结果适时向其发送参会邀请邮件。 欢迎海内外青年学者踊跃报名、咨询相关细节。 5. 相关费用 主办方统一安排食宿(免费);受邀参加主论坛和论坛季的青年学者自订机票,主办单位为海外学者提供最高每人1万元人民币差旅补助,国内学者提供最高5000元人民币差旅补助。 6. 联系方式 电话: +86-27-68756990 传真: +86-27-68754199 Email: recruit@whu.edu.cn 联系人:袁小明,刘晓慧,徐鑫 如青年学者对电子制造及机械工程相关学科感兴趣,也可与刘胜教授联系(victor_liu63@126.com)。
学校简介: 武汉大学是中华人民共和国教育部直属的重点综合性大学,是国家“985工程”和“211工程”重点建设高校。武汉大学具有123年历史,拥有中国最美的校园。学科门类齐全、综合性强、特色明显,涵盖了哲、经、法、教育、文、史、理、工、农、医、管理、艺术等12个学科门类。名师荟萃,英才云集,现有9位中国科学院院士、8位中国工程院院士、10位人文社科资深教授、5个国家创新研究群体、79位长江学者、54位国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、15位国家级教学名师。科研实力雄厚,成就卓著,有5个国家重点实验室、2个国家工程技术研究中心、2个国家野外科学观测研究站、9个教育部重点实验室和5个教育部工程研究中心;还拥有7个教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地、10个国家基础科学研究与人才培养基地、9个国家级实验教学示范中心、3个国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心和1个国家大学生文化素质教育基地。  
The Fourth Wuhan University International Forum for Interdisciplinary Sciences and Engineering Sincerely Invites Prominent Young Talents
Featured Forum:April 14-16, 2017 Forum Season:December 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Location:Wuhan, China Organizer: Wuhan University 1.About the Forum Wuhan University International Forum for Interdisciplinary Sciences and Engineering is providing a platform for prominent young talents at home and abroad to enhance brainstorming and cross-disciplinary exchange, and advance interdisciplinary sciences and collaborative innovation, with the goal of striving for the construction of world class leading university and disciplines. Wuhan University carefully devises the blueprint of ‘the 13th Five Year Plan’, strongly advocates comprehensive reform and implements the Tenure Line Faculty System to arouse the vitality of running the university, aiming at promoting the construction of a world class leading university. Wuhan University has launched the “Collaborative Innovation Center for Geospatial Technology”, the “Collaborative Innovation Center for Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights”, and the “Center of Cooperative Innovation for Judicial Civilization”. Some interdisciplinary research institutions/platforms have been established, such as the Institute for Advanced Research, Institute for Medical Research and Industrial Research Institute, Cross-disciplinary Platform for Engineering Sciences, endeavoring to establish high-level academic research platforms for young scholars at home and abroad. We sincerely invite you prominent young talents at home and abroad to gather at Mountain Luojia and join in Wuhan University, the most beautiful university in China for mutual development and prosperity. 2.Requirements for Applicants ①Under the age of 40 ②The forum is open to overseas researchers who have received a doctoral degree from internationally renowned universities abroad or received a doctoral degree from domestic universities with 3-year overseas working experience; And those who have received a doctoral degree with 3-year working experience in China and achieved certain academic influence in the research area,non-ethnic Chinese included. ③Relevant Areas: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering Science, Information Science, Life Science, Medical Science, Environment and Geoscience, Art and Humanities, and Social Sciences etc. 3.Form and Schedule In order to attract young scholars at home and abroad in wide range, the forum consists of two forms: the featured forum and forum season, making the time more flexible. ①Featured Forum April 14, 2017: Check-in April 15-16, 2017: Opening Ceremony, Speeches and Presentations, Communications and Interactions ②Forum Season Time Period: From December 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 For those who are not available in the Featured Forum, you can choose to participate in the Forum Season. We still extend our warm welcome to you, and you may pick a convenient time to visit Wuhan University through mutual communication and negotiation with relevant schools and research institutions of our university. * Please remember to choose your preferred activity (Featured Forum or Forum Season) when making on-line application. 4. Application Process Please register and submit your application at: http://postdoc.whu.edu.cn/zp/index.shtml Application Process: Invited young scholars of the Featured Forum will receive an email from the forum’s organizer with further details before March 16, 2017. For Invited young scholars of the Forum Season, the forum’s organizer will send an invitation letter to you at an appropriate time through negotiations. Please feel free to contact us for further information and your application to our forum is highly welcomed. 5.Traveling and Accommodation The forum organizer will provide board and lodging during the forum (free of charge). All invited young scholars should book and pay for their air-tickets first. Up to 5,000 RMB Yuan international travel reimbursement is available for each participant at home, and up to 10,000 RMB Yuan international travel reimbursement is available to each participant overseas. 6.Contact Information Phone: +86-27-68756990 Fax: +86-27-68754199 Email: recruit@whu.edu.cn Contact: Yuan Xiaoming, Liu Xiaohui, Xu Xin Young scholars with interests in electronic manufacturing and mechanics may also contact Professor Sheng Liu at victor_liu63@126.com.
About Wuhan University Wuhan University (WHU) is a comprehensive and key national university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education with a 123-year history and most beautiful campus in China. It is also one of the "211 Project" and "985 Project" key universities. Wuhan University offers degrees in twelve major fields, namely Philosophy, Economics, Law, Education, Literature, History, Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, Management and Art. Wuhan University has trained and gathered a faculty of high-quality professionals, in which of 9 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 8 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 10 senior professors of arts and social sciences, 5 Innovation Communities of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 79 Changjiang Scholars,54 winners of the “National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars”and 15 nationally-recognized best teachers. Wuhan University has 5 key state laboratories, 2 national engineering and technology research centers, 2 national field scientific observatories, 9 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education and 5 engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education. Besides, there are 7 humanities and social sciences key research bases of the Ministry of Education, 10 national basic science research and talent cultivation bases, 9 nationally-recognized experimental teaching demonstration centers, 3 nationally-recognized virtual simulation experiment teaching centers and 1 national undergraduate cultural competency education base.
* 请您在应聘材料上标明,此职位的信息来源于rencai8.com。
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