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企业规模:1000-9999人 企业所在地区:中国大陆 - 四川
截止日期:2016-11-30 最低工作年限:不限
招聘人数:若干 最低学历:博士
月薪:面议 工作地点:成都
诚邀参加第四届电子科技大学国际青年学者论坛 Warmly Welcome to the Forth UESTC International Forum for Young Scholars
一、介绍 1.Introduction 电子科技大学国际青年学者论坛(“成电论坛”),旨在将海内外优秀青年学者汇聚在“天府之国”——成都,促进海内外青年学者之间的交流,增强不同研究领域之间的合作。国际青年学者论坛网上平台现已开放欢迎海内外学者访问! UESTC International Forum for Young Scholars (UESTC Forum) aims at gathering outstanding scholars all over the world to Chengdu—the Land of Abundance, and enhancing the interaction and cooperation among prominent young scholars with interdisciplinary backgrounds. The forum website is now available.
时间安排/Forum Agenda
2016年11月24日 报到
2016年11月25日 主题论坛:特邀嘉宾做报告
2016年11月26日 分论坛:分领域交流
Nov. 24, 2016 Registration
Nov. 25, 2016 Opening Ceremony and Invited Speech
Nov. 26, 2016 Sub-Forums in different fields
二、申请条件(以下两者满足其一) 2.Basic Qualifications (Meet one of the following two) 1)青年千人、青年拔尖人才、青年长江学者、优青、百篇优博获得者或全球高被引科学家(汤森路透发布) 1)Selected ones of the Recruitment Program for Young Professional, National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals, Young Program of Yangtze River Scholars, Excellent Young Scientists Fund or Top 100 Reward of the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, or Highly Cited Researchers (released by Thomson Reuters). 2)年龄在40岁以下;具有国内外知名高校博士学位,并有连续3年及以上的海外科研工作经历(业绩条件特别突出的海外博士可申请破格);在海外知名高校、科研机构、知名企业研发机构有正式教学或科研职位的优秀青年学者。 2)Outstanding young scholars under the age of 40, shall possess a PHD degree granted by prestigious universities at home and abroad, have at least three years’ work experience abroad (those who possessed a PHD degree from abroad with exceptional academic achievements may be exempt from the work experience requirement), and hold formal teaching and researching positions in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises. 三、申请方式 3.Application 登录网上平台注册报名http://scholarsforum.uestc.edu.cn/ Please log in http://scholarsforum.uestc.edu.cn/. 申请截止时间:2016年10月31日 Date Due: Oct. 31st, 2016 四、差旅及住宿 4.Travel Reimbursement and Accommodation 主办单位统一安排食宿(免费);青年学者收到正式邀请函后自订机票,主办单位报销往返机票(海外学者最高报销1万元人民币/人,国内学者最高报销5000元人民币/人)。 Accommodation is free. Please book you flights after you receive our formal invitation. The host will provide the reimbursement of travel expenses (highest 10,000 yuan per person for overseas scholars, while 5,000 yuan for domestic scholars).
五、关于电子科技大学 5.About UESTC 电子科技大学是国家首批“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设大学,是中国39所“985工程”入选高校中唯一一所电子信息类高校,也是全国第一所在“电子科学与技术”和“信息与通信工程”两个一级学科中所有二级学科均为国家重点学科的高校。 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC for short) is one of the first 211 Project and 985 Project universities, and also, the only electronic information–oriented university. It is the first university in China with all the sub-disciplines of the two disciplines—electronic science and technology, information and communication engineering—being national key disciplines. 在最近一轮的全国学科评估中,学校参评的五个学科进入全国前十,其中电子科学与技术学科全国排名第1位,信息与通信工程并列第2,光学工程、仪器科学与技术第7,生物医学工程与北京大学并列第10。2015年USNEWS世界大学排名(美国最有影响力的大学排名)中,工程学排名升至全球第81名,计算机学科排名升至第67名。学校工程学进入ESI前1‰,材料科学、物理学和计算机科学均进入前1%。 In the latest National Discipline Evaluations, five disciplines from UESTC were in the top ten, in which Electronic Science and Technology ranks No.1 and Information and Communication Engineering ranks No.2, Optical Engineering and Instrument Science and Technology ranks No.7 and Bio-medical Engineering ranks No. 10 (equal to Peking University). In the 2015 USNEWS Best Global Universities Rankings, UESTC’ s Engineering ranks No.81 and Computer Science ranks No.67. Engineering is listed in the top 1‰ of Essential Science Indicators (ESI), and Material Science, Physics and Computer Science in the top 1%. 学校拥有国家级重点实验室4个,国家工程中心1个,省部级科研机构41个,2个国家自然科学基金委创新群体、6个教育部创新团队和1个国防科技创新团队。近年来,学校与四川省人民医院合作共建医学院,并成立基础与前沿研究院,大力推动物理、数学等基础研究发展。学校现已发展成完整覆盖整个电子类学科,以电子信息科学技术为核心,理、工、管、文协调发展的多科性研究型大学。 UESTC has four national key laboratories, one national engineering center, forty-one provincial or ministry research institutes, two innovation groups supported by the National Natural Science Foundation Committee (NSFC), six innovation groups supported by the Ministry of Education, and one national defense science and technology innovation group. Recently, UESTC together with the Sichuan Provincial Hospital established the School of Medicine, and founded the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, to strongly promote the development of fundamental research such as in Physics and Mathematics. The university has developed into a key multidisciplinary research-oriented university with electronic science and technology being its nucleus and characterized by the harmonious integration of science, engineering, management and liberal arts. 电子科技大学高度重视人才工作,引进和培养了一批在国际学术界享受盛誉的杰出学者。学校现有高层次人才165人,包括中国科学院、中国工程院院士7人,IEEE Fellow 18人,“千人计划”入选者99人(含“青年千人计划”入选者46人),“长江学者”34人;其中,“千人计划”与“青年千人计划”入选人数在信息领域全国排名第一。 UESTC attaches great importance to talents work, and has introduced and trained quite a number of excellent scholars internationally renowned in their research areas. Currently UESTC has up to 165 first-class talents, including 7 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 18 IEEE Fellows, 99 selected professors of the Thousand Talents Plan (46 among which are selected ones of the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals), and 34 Yangtze River Scholars. The number of professors of the Thousand Talents Plan and the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals that UESTC has ranks No.1 nationwide in information field. 电子科技大学以“求实求真、大气大为”为校训,以人才培养为根本,努力使之成为高新技术源头和精英人才培养基地,竭诚欢迎海内外优秀人才加盟,诚邀海外优秀人才申报青年千人计划,有意者均可在国际青年学者论坛网上平台注册报名。 Embracing its motto of “to seek facts and truth, to be noble and ambitious”, UESTC is in the pursuit of excellence and talents, and endeavors to become the breeding base for advanced technologies and great minds. UESTC warmly welcomes all talents home and abroad to join in its grand course to a more glorious future. Candidates for the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals are welcome to log in http://scholarsforum.uestc.edu.cn/ and apply online.
招聘对象和条件 Qualifications
1)属自然科学或工程技术领域,年龄不超过40周岁; Candidates should be engaged in natural science or engineering researches and below the age of 40; 2)取得博士学位,并有3年以上的海外科研工作经历(业绩条件特别突出的海外博士可申请破格); Candidates should have already acquired a PhD degree, and normally had more than 3 years’ research experience overseas (those who possessed a PHD degree from abroad with exceptional academic achievements may be exempt from the letter requirement); 3)申报时在海外知名高校、科研机构或知名企业研发机构有正式教学或科研职位;已经在国内工作的,回国时间应在一年以内; Candidates should hold formal teaching and researching positions in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises before coming to China. For those who are already back in China they should be within one year of their return; 4)为所从事科研领域同龄人中的拔尖人才,有成为该领域学术或技术带头人的发展潜力; As the elites among the peers in certain field, the young professionals shall have the potential of becoming leading figures in the future; 5)引进后需全职回国工作。 Potential candidates should be able to work full-time in China after the recruitment.
入选者相关待遇 Compensation & Benefit
1)国家配套:科研经费100-300万元,一次性补助50万元 From National Government: RMB 1-3 million start-up research funding and RMB 500,000 subsidy 2)地方配套:经审批可获得四川省提供的一次性安家补助50万元 From Sichuan Government: housing subsidy of RMB 500,000 after approval 3)学校配套 From the university 年薪不少于40万元、安家费及购房补贴80万元;no less than RMB 400,000 salary, RMB 800,000 settling-in allowance and housing subsidy provided 提供科研经费100-300万元;RMB 1-3 million research funding 根据入选者实际工作需要,提供办公、实验场地;Working and research platform in accordance with the awardees’ actual needs 聘任到教授岗位,并授予博士生导师资格;The awardees will be appointed as a professor and PhD supervisor 若进入青年千人计划会评未最终入选,可纳入电子科技大学“百人计划”支持,聘任为特聘研究员(正高级职称);For those who did not succeed in the final interview of the Program, they will be supported by "100 Talents Plan of UESTC" and hired as Specially Appointed Researcher (Senior professional title)
六、关于成都 6.About Chengdu 成都是国务院确定的中国西南地区的科技中心、商贸中心、金融中心和交通、通讯枢纽。今年上半年,成都地区生产总值(GDP)完成5590.2亿元,同比增长7.5%,比上半年全国平均水平高0.8个百分点;在国际化水平上,271家世界500强企业已落户成都,数量位居中西部城市之首;成都与美国、德国、澳大利亚等12个国家设立了领事机构;已开通旧金山、伦敦、东京、墨尔本、莫斯科、阿布扎比等80多条国际直飞航线。 Chengdu is the southwest China's three centers and two hubs identified by the State Council—science and technology center, business center, financial center, and transportation and communication hubs. In the first half of this year, the GDP of Chengdu exceeded 559.02 billion Yuan with the year-on-year growth of more than 7.5 percent, which is 0.8 percent higher than the national average of the first half of the year. 271 companies of the Fortune 500 have settled in Chengdu with the number ranking first among Midwest cities in China. The United States, German, Australia and other 12 countries have set up their consulates in Chengdu. Also, there are more than 80 international non-stop routes connecting Chengdu to cities including San Francisco, London, Melbourne, Moscow and Abu Dhabi, etc. 成都是长江经济带的重要枢纽,在“一带一路”战略构想下将会获得新的发展机遇,也将为更多人才引进来、走出去提供重要的平台与机会。 As an important hub of Yangtze River Economic Zone, Chengdu is embracing new opportunities in "the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road" initiative. In the near future, Chengdu will provide more platforms and chances for talents' bringing in and going out. 日前,四川省委出台《四川省高层次人才特殊支持办法(试行)》,从国(境)外、省外引进的“青年千人计划”入选者和“青年拔尖人才”计划入选者与用人单位签订五年以上工作协议并全职到川工作后,经审核批准,将获得一次性安家补助50万元。成都市委、市政府出台《关于深入实施“创业天府”行动计划加快打造西部人才核心聚集区的若干政策》(简称“成都人才新政十条”),希望以全新政策为引导,营造最有吸引力的创新创业生态环境,大力推动成都“大众创业、万众创新”,包括全市设立总额不少于20亿元的人才发展专项资金,实施分层资助,对国际顶尖人才、国家级领军人才、地方高级人才分别给予300万元、200万元、120万元的资金资助,区(市)县给予相应的配套资助;设立创新创业人才基础贡献奖,对于在成都创新创业5年以上且为经济社会发展做出重大贡献的高层次人才,经评审认定,授予“成都市杰出人才”荣誉称号,给予100万元的奖励。 According to the recently released Special Support Policy for High-Level Talents of Sichuan Province, selected ones of the Recruitment Program for Young Professional and National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals, who is introduced from overseas or other province and has signed an over five years’ contract, will receive a housing subsidy of RMB 500,000 after working full-time in Sichuan. Chengdu has recently released the Ten New Policies for Chengdu Talents. These policies represent a completely new guide to foster the most attractive entrepreneurship and innovation atmosphere, and to promote strongly the “widespread Entrepreneurship and extensive innovation”, which offer the whole city a sum of no less than two billion Yuan as an exclusive funding for talents. Specifically, the funding is divided into three categories: RMB 3 million for an international top talent, 2 million for a national leading scientist and 1.2 million for a regional senior talent. District and county governments will match the grant with extra funding. In addition, the policy will offer “Entrepreneurship and Innovation Fundamental Contribution Award”, for talents who have worked for more than 5 years in Chengdu and have delivered significant contributions to the development of its economy and society. If these talents pass the evaluation, they will be awarded with the title of “Chengdu Exceeding Talent” and RMB one million. 七、联系方式 7.Contact Us

官方微信 WeChat

邮箱: uestc-hr@hotmail.com
Office of UESTC Scholars Association
Tel: +86-28-61830504
Fax: +86-28-61830539
Contact: Xi CHEN

Email: uestc-hr@hotmail.com

Website:: http://scholarsforum.uestc.edu.cn/
单位 姓名 联系电话 电子邮件
通信与信息工程学院 李 波 028-61831357 li_bo@uestc.edu.cn
通信抗干扰技术国家级重点实验室 鲁泽燕 028-61830283 luzeyan@uestc.edu.cn
电子工程学院 刘 桥 028-61831027 qwen@uestc.edu.cn
微电子与固体电子学院 李俊儒 028-83204050 lijunru@uestc.edu.cn
物理电子学院 解军霞 028-83202590 xiejunxia@uestc.edu.cn
光电信息学院 牟 燕 028-83207412 muyan@uestc.edu.cn
计算机科学与工程学院 叶 璐 028-61831670 cshr@uestc.edu.cn
信息与软件工程学院 石冀敏 028- 83203323 sjm@uestc.edu.cn
自动化工程学院 李 琪 028-61831570 liqi0111@uestc.edu.cn
机械电子工程学院 黎 斯 028-61830229 sili@uestc.edu.cn
生命科学与技术学院 唐小乔 028-83201913 uestclife250@163.com
数学科学学院 刘 燕 028-61831290 liuyan@uestc.edu.cn
经济与管理学院 郭 平 028-61830905 guop@uestc.edu.cn
政治与公共管理学院 张兰英 028-61831865 zhanglanying@uestc.edu.cn
外国语学院 易中翠 028-61831230 yizhongcui@uestc.edu.cn
马克思主义教育学院 胡媛媛 028-61830573 huyuanyuan@uestc.edu.cn
能源科学与工程学院 骆小谚 028-61831080 luoxy@uestc.edu.cn
资源与环境学院 汪 娜 028-61831571 hr_sre@uestc.edu.cn
航空航天学院 汪思晶 028-61831882 sijingw@uestc.edu.cn
医学院 彭廷敏 028-83203618 tammypeng@uestc.edu.cn
基础与前沿研究院 李自恒 028-83201896 IFFS@uestc.edu.cn
Schools Name Tel Email
School of Communication & Information Engineering Bo LI +86-28-61831357 li_bo@uestc.edu.cn
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Communication Zeyan LU +86-28-61830283 luzeyan@uestc.edu.cn
School of Electronic Engineering Qiao LIU +86-28-61831027 qwen@uestc.edu.cn
School of Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics Junru LI +86-28-83204050 lijunru@uestc.edu.cn
School of Physical Electronics Junxia XIE +86-28-83202590 xiejunxia@uestc.edu.cn
School of Optoelectronic Information Yan MU +86-28-83207412 muyan@uestc.edu.cn
School of Computer Science & Engineering Lu YE +86-28-61831670 cshr@uestc.edu.cn
School of Information and Software Engineering(Demonstrative School of Software) Jimin SHI +86-28-83203323 sjm@uestc.edu.cn
School of Automation Engineering Qi LI +86-28-61831570 liqi0111@uestc.edu.cn
School of Mechatronics Engineering Si LI +86-28-61830229 lsmo@uestc.edu.cn
School of Life Science and Technology Xiaoqiao TANG +86-28-83201913 uestclife250@163.com
School of Mathematical Sciences Yan LIU +86-28-61831290 liuyan@uestc.edu.cn
School of Management and Economics Ping GUO +86-28-61830905 guop@uestc.edu.cn
School of Political Science and Public Administration Lanying ZHANG +86-28-61831865 zhanglanying@uestc.edu.cn
School of Linguistics and Literature Zhongcui YI +86-28-61831230 yzc09086@163.com
School of Marxism Education Yuanyuan HU +86-28-61831657 huyuanyuan@uestc.edu.cn
School of Energy Science and Engineering Xiaoyan LUO +86-28-61831080 luoxy@uestc.edu.cn
School of Resources and Environment Na WANG +86-28-61831571 hr_sre@uestc.edu.cn
School of Astronautics and Aeronautic Sijing WANG +86-28-61831882 sijingw@uestc.edu.cn
School of Medicine Tingmin PENG +86-28-83203618 tammypeng@uestc.edu.cn
Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Science Ziheng LI +86-28-83201896 iffs@uestc.edu.cn
美丽成电欢迎您! Thank you for concerning. Welcome to UESTC.
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