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Advanced Specialist Fleet Sales 资深大客户销售专员
企业规模:100-499人 企业所在地区:中国大陆 - 北京
截止日期:2008-4-30 最低工作年限:不限
招聘人数:若干 最低学历:大学
月薪:面议 工作地点:上海
- Responsible for the set up and successful implementation of Fleet Sales Program for corporations, diplomats, VIPs, etc.
- Develop Fleet Sales program;
- Collect and analyze competitor Fleet Sales information;
- Co-ordinates direct VIP and government official new car sales, including customer liaison, vehicle demonstration, vehicle ordering, invoicing and delivery;
- Coordinates Direct Sales materials and provides assistance to the dealer network;
- Administrates the acquisitions on fleet in line with the company policy;
- Maintains and co-ordinates the dealer demonstration fleet nationally;
- Administrates demonstration fleet to maximize usage to dealer network, hence offsetting cost of program;
- Responsible for the preparation of Fleet Sales report, database update and documentation;
- Fleet demo car management;
- Support the sales team in other business related tasks.
-- Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Marketing, Economics or equivalent;
- Fluent in Chinese and English both oral and written;
- Excellent computer skills with MS Office;
- At least three years working experience in sales, experience with auto fleet sales will be a plus;
- Understanding of BMW corporate philosophy and image;
- Excellent communication skills; 
- Excellent negotiating skills and analytical skills;
- Good planning and organizing skills;
- Strong personality, good interpersonal skills, team player.
* 请您在应聘材料上标明,此职位的信息来源于rencai8.com。
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  职位名称 企业名称 工作地点 发布日期
1【高薪诚聘】新罕布什尔州市场开发Cover C-Corporation LLC美国新罕布什尔州2023-10-16
2【高薪诚聘】堪萨斯州市场开发Cover C-Corporation LLC美国堪萨斯州2023-10-16
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