美国美敦力公司(Medtronic, Inc.)总部位于美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市,是全球领先的医疗科技公司,致力于为慢性疾病患者提供终身的治疗方案。其主要产品覆盖心律失常、心衰、血管疾病、心脏瓣膜置换、体外心脏支持、微创心脏手术、恶性及非恶性疼痛、运动失调、糖尿病、胃肠疾病、泌尿系统疾病、脊椎疾病、神经系统疾病及五官科手术治疗等领域。每4秒钟,世界上就有一名病人因为美敦力的产品而减轻病痛,恢复健康,延长寿命。
心脏起搏器 - 治疗心动过缓
InSync 心脏再同步装置 - 治疗心衰
埋入式心律转复除颤器 - 治疗心动过速
冠脉支架Endeavor - 介入治疗心血管疾病
神经刺激器 - 治疗帕金森病
脊柱内固定系统 - 治疗脊椎疾病
胰岛素输注泵 - 治疗糖尿病
耳鼻咽喉科动力系统 - 治疗耳鼻咽喉 - 头颈外科疾病
Hancock 生物瓣等系列心脏瓣膜 - 治疗心脏外科瓣膜类疾病
Medtronic is a mission-based company. Our products save lives and improve quality of life for millions of patients around the world.
The Medtronic Shanghai Innovation Center (MSIC) will help to develop the local capabilities for creating these products in China, for China, which will move Medtronic China towards a fully multi-functional business and improve the level of medical technology available in China.
R&D is a very important part of the Medtronic business. We spend approximately 10 percent of revenue on R&D each year.
Our commitment to China is strong and we anticipate growth each year in our Shanghai R&D operation.