在未来发展中,华大基因将依托先进的测序和检测技术、高效的信息分析能力、丰富的生物资源,以多学科结合的新型生物科研体系为基础,致力搭建核酸研究平台、蛋白研究平台、生物信息平台,并核心参与国家基因库的建立,为全球的科研工作者提供创新型生物研究的科技服务,推动基因组学研究、分子育种、 医疗健康、环境能源等领域的科研发展。同时,为广大普通民众提供前沿生物科技在医疗、农业、环境及能源的应用服务,真正做到科技惠民,为我国生物经济产业的战略发展奠定基础。
BGI was founded on September 9th, 1999 with the mission of supporting the development of science and technology, building strong research teams in genomics field.
With a goal toward excellence, high efficiency, and accuracy, BGI has a large number of accomplishments, including sequencing 1121200504f the human genome for the International Human Genome Project, completing the first Asian diploid genome, the Human Gut Metagenome, the rice genome, and sequencing the genome and immediately releasing the data from the deadly E.coli outbreak strain in Germany. The BGI has generated over 250 publications in top-tier journals, including Nature, Science, and Cell.
With the integrative structure of research innovation, platform development and industrial application, BGI aims to contribute to the advancement of innovative biology research, molecular breeding, healthcare and related fields. BGI is dedicated to facilitate the applications in Healthcare, Agriculture, and Environment, to serve the people for a better life.
website: http://www.genomics.cn |