   Boston Open Labs (BOL)   公司行业:医药/保健/生物工程
公司规模: 20-99人
所在地区:美国 - 麻省

Boston Open Labs (BOL) is a privately held, well-funded company located in the greater Boston Area. The company recently restructured and is rapidly expanding its business in China. The new company currently operates in a 10,000 square feet facility, with a new 20,000 square feet lab space to be completed in Hangzhou, China by April, 2011. With its sate-of-the-art facilities for R&D, animal study and manufacturing, the company excels in cutting-edge science discovering new drugs to meet the growing demands for new medicines and treatments. It also provides pharmaceutical and biotech industry a variety of specialty biological molecules and related services.

Boston Open Labs(BOL)是位于Boston地区的一家资金雄厚的公司。随着公司的发展,BOL最近进行了重组并且在中国市场迅速拓展其业务。新公司在中国杭州市目前拥有1000多平米的现代化研发中心,生产基地和实验动物中心,此外还有2000多平米的基地即将投入使用。公司自成立以来,一直采用生物领域的高新技术致力于研发具有很高价值的生物新药。同时,公司还为药厂和生物技术公司提供各种专业化生物产品和各项服务。

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