We are a multi-national company with leading position in the distribution of electronic components in the world.Our headquarters is located in Montreal ,Canada.
Since Future Electronic's founding in 1968, the electronics distribution industry has never been quite the same. With our unique combination of people, programs and strategies, we are recognised as a world leader in electronics distribution. Appreciated for creating the ideal place; fostering your determined and innovative spirit. In creating simply unstoppable innovative solutions for our exciting, fast-paced industry.
我们富昌电子的总部位于加拿大的蒙特利尔, 是一间在电子元件贸易市场上占主导位置的跨国公司。 从富昌电子于1968 年建立以来, 电子元件贸易一直在改变。我们今天的世界领导位置, 是建基于我们的人、运作方式和战略的独特组合所至。同时, 我们亦被认作为创造理想的地方; 推动坚定和创新精神, 以至我们能不断以创新的方法迎接市场的挑战。