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企业行业:医药/保健/生物工程 加工/制造
企业规模: 10000人以上
所在地区:中国大陆 - 福建

职位名称 工作地点 发布日期


厦门金达威维生素股份有限公司是国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业。成立于一九 九七年十一月,是由厦门金达威投资有限公司和中牧实业股份有限公司投资控股经营 的外向型企业。
    公司目前拥有三个生产基地,总占地面积超过22万平方米,总建筑面积超过6万 平方米。主要生产维生素A粉(油)、维生素D3粉(油)、维生素AD3粉、维生素B12、辅酶 Q10、胆固醇等,产品远销全球数十个国家和地区。
    公司秉持“不断改善人类生活品质,做行业一流企业”的发展愿景,将“创造 价值、追求卓越”经营理念,贯彻到生产、销售、售后服务、内部管理等各个环节, 以提供能让客户满意的高品质产品和服务为我们的奋斗目标。几年来,承担了多项国 家、省市火炬计划项目,国家科技攻关项目,并完成了多个高新技术产品的研发和产 业化工程。
    “质量和信誉是我们的生命,服务和创新是我们的根本”,公司投产不久便顺利通 过了ISO9001质量体系认证。并先后荣获“国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业、福建省 名牌产品、福建省守合同重信用企业”等等荣誉。今天,金达威维生素系列产品已成 为中国畜牧业不可或缺的知名品牌,在欧美等国际市场也具有相当的影响力,奠定了 行业中的品牌地位。
     Founded on 24th of November, 1997, Xiamen Kingdomway Vitamin Incorporation is one of Key High-tech Enterprises of National Torch Plan Projects. Being an export enterprise, the key shareholders consist of Xiamen Kingdomway Investment Limited and China Animal Husbandry Industrial Co.,Limited.
     The company possesses 3 production bases with a floor area of over 220,000 square metres and a construction area of 60000 square metres. The products range from Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin AD3, Vitamin B12, Coenzyme Q10 and Cholesterol etc., which have been exported and supplied to more than 10 countries and regions throughout the world.
     Undertaking the mission to devote ourselves to the cause of improving living quality and develop the company into the Giant in the industry, the team is making efforts in offering the clients high quality products and reliable service, thanks to the fact that, the concept, Making value-added products, Pursuing superiority, has been in depth penetrated into each levels such as manufacturing, sales, after-sales service and management. During the past years, the team has carried out varieties of Torch-plan projects for the state, provincial and municipal government, and accomplished R&D for high-tech products and industrialization projects.
     Focusing on the quality guideline “ Quality and prestige are our lives; Innovation and service are our mission”, the company has been ISO 9001 certified shortly since the operation. During years, the company has been awarded as one of key high-tech enterprises of National Torch Plan Projects, Top trademarks in Fujian, and the Best Enterprise in credit standing in Fujian etc. Today, Kingdomway not only has received a high recognition in National Husbandry, but made a great impact on the overseas markets of Europe and USA. Consequently Kingdomway is being a recognized brand in the industry.


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